Saturday, June 9, 2007


Programming. The one word which is symbolic of what India is all about, symbolic, of our country's rise from an agrarian 3rd world country to one which gives sleepless nights to Stephen Hawking look alikes from Berkley! India today churns out tens of thousands C/C++/Java enabled slaves who will work for a sub 20% paycheck of his developed world counterparts!

Hmmmm...why this trivia? I sat to write about something entirely different. The programming i'm actually refering to is the "Life Programming" most of us get during our developmental years at high school. All the dreams we have of becoming astronauts, pilots, directors, actors and F1 drivers are all too often flushed away by the Doctor/Engineer combo that tends to dominate the career paths of todays 12 Std kids.. This is mostly true especially in Karnataka, probably due to its assets, the Silicon Implant, ooops, Silicon City.

I wouldnt blame anyone specific. Its not parental pressure. Frankly i dont know what the reason is. Maybe its the over emphasis placed on this combo's in todays media? Or maybe its the "Greener Pasteurs" mentality the teachers, and other old school interactions we have during those ages? I'll never know! Whatever it is, most people who take that path tend to realise , albiet a lillte late, that they're not really enjoying what they're doing. I grew up in a household where access to TV documentaries on anything from the Inca's, to the International Space Station helped create a elaborate awareness of this world. This was also strenthened by the National Geograhics and Encylopedias we spent hours perusing. Frankly, i'd prefer a career path which would help put this awareness to use, and not some skill i picked up by mugging up the memory allotment values for random data types. Whats all going to do to save this planet from certain doom due to the technological "March of Humanity"? Hows it going to save our forests? Our fauna?

I realised this a while ago. I know where I want to be today. Its in the serangeti, that little spot in Tanzania which harbours one of the most diverse and beautiful wildlife populations in the world, living out of my suroundings, proctecting and studying it, and killing away time by meeting the people of the forgotten continent. They've pretty much been living the same way there for 1000's of years now, and may do so for another 1000, while the rest of the world eats away at the resources its built its foundations on. Hmmm, funny thought, i wonder what the 16 yr old Maroi in tanzania aspires to be?...........

Yeah yeah, i kno what your thinking. "The other side's always greener, wait till he gets to that god-forsaken continent that is Africa"! Yeah your right oh reader, quite literaly : The serangeti is quite green, even in the summer.

Shoot, i've become an expert at digressing ! I gotta decide on what i'm writing before i start penning some random thoughts in me blogs.